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Newyddion a Digwyddiadau
- Sad, 25 IonBarry25 Ion 2025, 10:00 – 13:00Barry, Park Rd, Barry CF62 3BY, UKJoin us for a seasonal look at recording with Nature on Your Doorstep, where we will spotting and learning about local plant life and wildlife and how you can help protect them through recording what we find.
- Mer, 29 IonWenvoe29 Ion 2025, 10:00 – 16:00Wenvoe, Goldsland, Wenvoe, Cardiff CF5 6BE, UKJoin Vale Nature Partnership and The Orchard Project for a course exploring orchard care and pruning techniques
- Mer, 05 ChwefSaint Nicholas05 Chwef 2025, 10:00 – 16:00Saint Nicholas, Duffryn Ln, St Nicholas, Wenvoe, Cardiff CF5 6FZ, UKJoin us for a free, in-person course at the Welsh Orchard in Maes y Felin focused on enhancing biodiversity.
- Date and time is TBDLocation is TBDDate and time is TBDLocation is TBDWe don't have anything scheduled at the moment but check back soon! You can sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming nature events in the Vale of Glamorgan.
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